What You'll Find...

An Ongoing Discussion about Christ and Culture in a Post-Postmodern Context.
Resurrection-Shaped Stories from the Emmaus Road.

What They're Saying...

(about the book)
"A remarkable book. Raffi's is a dramatic and powerful story and I am privileged to have been part of it."
- N.T. Wright

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"Raffi gets it."
- Michael Spencer, a.k.a. The Internet Monk

The Christmas Shopping Season has Begun: Hallelujah!

cartoon from www.weblogcartoons.com

As we enter the chaotic and stressful world of the official Christmas/holiday/winter shopping season, I feel compelled to stop and ponder the true meaning of Christmas. And whenever I feel compelled to ponder the "true meaning" of any Christian topic, I find myself turning to one person who seems to understand the "big picture" better than most, and is therefore able to explain the details within that big picture in a way that makes holistic, worldview-level sense: Bishop N.T. Wright.

Bishop Wright has spoken and written extensively on the meaning of Christmas. But the following article that appeared in Christianity Today is a beautifully condensed summary of what Christmas is all about, from to point of view of John, the Disciple that Jesus Loved.

Give it a read, and I pray that it will stay with you as you spend the next month looking for the perfect gift basket for Uncle Joe.

Grace and Peace,

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Parables of a Prodigal World by Raffi Shahinian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.