N.T. Wright's "Surprised by Hope": The Pirate Review, Day 13 -- The Final Chapter (Part I)
Chapter 15
Reshaping the Church for Mission (2):
Living the Future
We've reached the final chapter of Surprised by Hope. It's been quite a journey, starting as we did in those risky, pre-publication days. I guess both my readers and I should be relieved that we've arrived at the final post of the series!
Well, not quite.
You see, in Chapter 15, Wright sets off to discuss the various areas of the Christian life that would be redefined if we were to take seriously the picture that has been redrawn in Chapters 1-14: Celebrating Easter; Space, Time and Matter (redefined in light of resurrection); Mission (redefined in light of the redefinition of space, time and matter); Baptism; Eucharist; Prayer; Scripture; Holiness; Love.
Quite a list of topics, huh?
So rather than trying tackle all of them in one post, today I'm going to let the good Bishop's own words do the talking regarding the first three subjects. There are two reasons for this. First, it would be impossible to summarize this chapter with anything shorter than what would be my longest post ever by double. And second, the three lectures/sermons from Wright below just happen to be three of my all-time favorites from him. I'll tackle baptism, eucharist, prayer, scripture, holiness and love next time, which may nevertheless end up being my longest post ever by double. But anyway, enjoy these:
Wright on Celebrating Easter (audio): (The lecture begins at the 11:15 mark; prior to that is a reading by Wright of the Parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15, and a lengthy introduction).
Wright on Space, Time and Matter (video)
Grace and Peace,
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