Countdown to Easter: The Cross is a Symbol, and...
The cross is a symbol...
One that symbolizes far more than all the blogs on the Internet could ever describe.
We, too, as disciples of Him who died on the cross, are symbols...
Symbols to the world around us.
But what good are symbols? They are glimpsed and forgotten, right? They have no lasting import, do they? The world today is far too cynical to be swayed by symbols, isn't it? People will do and believe what they choose to do and believe. Free will, baby! Free will!!!
Nor are we, as disciples of Him who died on the cross, influenced by the symbols of this fallen world, right?
Think about it. Then contemplate again the mystery, grandeur and magnificence of the cross.
Grace and Peace,
One that symbolizes far more than all the blogs on the Internet could ever describe.
We, too, as disciples of Him who died on the cross, are symbols...
Symbols to the world around us.
But what good are symbols? They are glimpsed and forgotten, right? They have no lasting import, do they? The world today is far too cynical to be swayed by symbols, isn't it? People will do and believe what they choose to do and believe. Free will, baby! Free will!!!
Nor are we, as disciples of Him who died on the cross, influenced by the symbols of this fallen world, right?
Think about it. Then contemplate again the mystery, grandeur and magnificence of the cross.
Grace and Peace,

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