25 Things I (Re)Discovered During my 2-Day Fast
For reasons entirely too private to disclose, God called me to a 2-day fast on Monday night. It was the first time He had done so (or the first time I heard Him, and probably that).
Here are 25 things that I picked up during 48 hours on straight Aquafina (or was it Crystal Geyser?):
Here are 25 things that I picked up during 48 hours on straight Aquafina (or was it Crystal Geyser?):
- Food isn't as important as I thought it was.
- Moths fascinate me; I think its how they instinctively desire the light in the darkness.
- I love my family, more so than I ever imagined I could.
- Prayer is necessary.
- If you claim to believe something but don't act in accordance to it, you either don't believe it or you believe something else more, namely, the belief in accordance to which you are acting.
- Truth + Lies = Lies
- "Love" is an action word.
- The broader your perspective, the clearer God's voice.
- Jesus of Nazareth was really, really smart.
- Sometimes, paradoxes aren't.
- The light that you emanate to the world is directly proportional to the level of humility in your relationship with God.
- Life is mysterious, but simple.
- Light needs space to function; creating space is painful.
- Metaphors are everywhere.
- Future sins are not yet forgiven.
- When Jesus made more wine, the guests were already drunk.
- The Way is densely cluttered with billboards.
- The future affects the present at least as much as the past does.
- When God answers your prayers, it is unwise to seek a second opinion.
- Love is risky.
- Seemingly isolated and minor acts have cosmic significance.
- The Accuser is subtle.
- Time is the most under-appreciated part of God's creation.
- Man does not live by bread alone.
- God works in consistent, yet ever-transforming, ways.
Grace and Peace,

Thank you, Raffi. This post is a keeper!
I have recently discovered your blog and am enjoying it ! I would be interested to hear how you came to the conclusions found in numbers 15 and 16.
Thanks for the kind words about the blog. #16 hit me when I was reading through John's Gospel (a pastime I would highly recommend during a fast); we have to assume that the wedding organizers had planned to have ample wine to get through the entire event, so when they ran out, the guests must have had a nice buzz going. I think that says something about something.
As for #15, in all honesty, I really can't recall the process. It was some combination of prayer, fasting, meditation on the cross and taking notes. Sorry I can't be more specific, but thanks for the question.
Grace and Peace,