What You'll Find...

An Ongoing Discussion about Christ and Culture in a Post-Postmodern Context.
Resurrection-Shaped Stories from the Emmaus Road.

What They're Saying...

(about the book)
"A remarkable book. Raffi's is a dramatic and powerful story and I am privileged to have been part of it."
- N.T. Wright

(about the blog)
"Raffi gets it."
- Michael Spencer, a.k.a. The Internet Monk

The Americana at Brand and Romans 7:24

Amid much fanfare and fireworks, the $400-million retail juggernaut that is The Americana at Brand opened for business this weekend in Glendale, CA, complete with its 75 retail outlets, about a dozen eateries, hundreds of ridiculously overpriced residential units and its brazen-image-of-gold statue as its glorious centerpiece, appropriately emerging from the waters of the man made lake at the nucleus of the place.

About a mile from my home.

If I were a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, I would be being hauled off in handcuffs for standing amidst the legions and telling anyone who would listen about the madness that is this temple of modern Western consumerism. I would urge anyone who would listen, in tears, to consider the billion men and women who survive on less than a dollar a day, and the billion more who do not have even that luxury.

I was not hauled off in handcuffs. I was there with my family.

It really is a beautiful place. Open-air strolling. Large grassy area and sand-filled playground for the kids.

$250 jeans, made in a remote part of the world by a worker...

Did I mention the hourly water fountain show set to music? Wow! The kids loved it!

600-1500 square foot apartments ranging from $2400 to $7000, a month!

It was a perfect 75 degrees this weekend.

O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

Grace and Peace,

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  1. Canyon Shearer, DMin said...


    Funny coincidence, I found your blog looking for a Paris Reidhead quote...but I think it is providential. A friend of mine was at this festival, he lives right around the corner too. You might be interested in hooking up with him to do a little preaching at this new fishing ground. http://thelawmanchronicles.blogspot.com/2008/05/brand-boulevard-bulletin-8.html

    God bless,

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Parables of a Prodigal World by Raffi Shahinian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.