Weekly Round-Up: I Am Legend, N.T. Wright, and Moving Mountains
It's been quite a week for me. You wouldn't know it from checking in here, as its been mostly silent since the I Am Legend / Gospel of Jesus thing.
Speaking of that, congratulations to Michael, who wins a free DVD of I Am Legend. By the way, he has a pretty good site of his own. Check it out. Michael, e-mail me your info and I'll get that right out to you. As for me, I would have answered the question in three words: He is Risen.
In other news, the 4 or 5 of you read this blog regularly will know that (1) I'm a huge N.T. Wright fan, and (2) I've written a book, a testimony that is largely colored and shaped by N.T. Wright's theological vision.
A few months ago, I sent a copy of the manuscript to Bishop Wright, along with a letter asking for his blessings for the project. This physical body, as Paul called it, knew perfectly well that the good bishop was far too busy, and I was far too unknown, to give the thing more than a passing glance. After all, that has, so far, been the position of the handful of publishers to whom I've pitched the manuscript. In a nutshell, "Awesome story; wonderful insights; couldn't put it down; but how do you expect us to make any money on a book about an ordinary guy and his Christian testimony?"
The moral of the rest of the story is: Trust that Voice that tells you to do the impossible, the one that tells you that you (yes, you) can tell a mountain to move and it will; and trust in the faith that allows it to happen.
Over the last few days, I've been engaged in an e-mail conversation with Bishop Wright. He read my little testimony-of-an-ordinary-schmo. He liked it. He really liked it. In fact (and I'm quite aware that I'm gloating here, but come on, this is N.T. Wright we're talking about), he gave me permission to put the following endorsement on the cover:
"A remarkable book. Raffi's is a powerful and dramatic story and I am privileged to have been part of it." --N.T. Wright
OK, all you publishers out there. Still wanna know how you're gonna sell this thing?
Sorry, I couldn't help that last bit.
I didn't send the letter and the manuscript to Bishop Wright to get an endorsement for the book. I sent it, and this is hard to articulate, because I knew I had to (see?). The rest is the work of the indescribable breath of God's grace, the prayers of those who knew I was doing this crazy thing (thank you), and the amazing kindness of an amazing man, who I am now privileged to call my friend.
Other than that, its been just an average week.
Grace and Peace,
Speaking of that, congratulations to Michael, who wins a free DVD of I Am Legend. By the way, he has a pretty good site of his own. Check it out. Michael, e-mail me your info and I'll get that right out to you. As for me, I would have answered the question in three words: He is Risen.
In other news, the 4 or 5 of you read this blog regularly will know that (1) I'm a huge N.T. Wright fan, and (2) I've written a book, a testimony that is largely colored and shaped by N.T. Wright's theological vision.
A few months ago, I sent a copy of the manuscript to Bishop Wright, along with a letter asking for his blessings for the project. This physical body, as Paul called it, knew perfectly well that the good bishop was far too busy, and I was far too unknown, to give the thing more than a passing glance. After all, that has, so far, been the position of the handful of publishers to whom I've pitched the manuscript. In a nutshell, "Awesome story; wonderful insights; couldn't put it down; but how do you expect us to make any money on a book about an ordinary guy and his Christian testimony?"
The moral of the rest of the story is: Trust that Voice that tells you to do the impossible, the one that tells you that you (yes, you) can tell a mountain to move and it will; and trust in the faith that allows it to happen.
Over the last few days, I've been engaged in an e-mail conversation with Bishop Wright. He read my little testimony-of-an-ordinary-schmo. He liked it. He really liked it. In fact (and I'm quite aware that I'm gloating here, but come on, this is N.T. Wright we're talking about), he gave me permission to put the following endorsement on the cover:
"A remarkable book. Raffi's is a powerful and dramatic story and I am privileged to have been part of it." --N.T. Wright
OK, all you publishers out there. Still wanna know how you're gonna sell this thing?
Sorry, I couldn't help that last bit.
I didn't send the letter and the manuscript to Bishop Wright to get an endorsement for the book. I sent it, and this is hard to articulate, because I knew I had to (see?). The rest is the work of the indescribable breath of God's grace, the prayers of those who knew I was doing this crazy thing (thank you), and the amazing kindness of an amazing man, who I am now privileged to call my friend.
Other than that, its been just an average week.
Grace and Peace,

Hey Raffi,
Sorry I couldn't get into the I Am Legend contest. I did enjoy the movie a lot, just didn't have the time I needed to do a post on your question - although I did think about it some.
I'd definitely gloat over an email exchange with the good Bishop as well. Pretty cool. And the endorsement on top of that. Very cool.
Thanks, you two. I kinda figured that both of you would get the biggest kick out of this.
Kathy, sorry about the snub. Your answer hit the nail on the head, but Michael's just had a little more flair. And you know me, style over substance any day.
No problem at all, Mofast. I see from your posts that you've had your hands full yourself. My prayers and thoughts are with you, my friend.
Grace and Peace.
Big congrats (not sure if thats the right way to express it, but the best I could think of) on hearing back from NT Wright. I'll be really thrilled when you announce a release date! I'm eager to read it.
Thanks, Michael. Me too (the "release date" thing, not the "read it" thing).
Thanks for the link Raffi. I look forward to seeing the book when it is released.
In one way I am not surprised that he took the time to read the manuscript and write something for you. I must admit to being a little envious! It does show the measure of the man. Somehow even though I claim he reads my blog I am pretty sure he doesn't ;-)
I'm looking forward to reading this book with that type of comment from N.T. Wright.
When is your book coming out??? I was browsing around the net and somehow stumbled upon you blog. I'm a huge fan of N.T. Wright too, and when i saw the endorsement by him I was curious about reading your book. Anyway cool blog and you have load N.t. Wright especially his debate with Bart Ehrman!
Thanks for the kind words, an greetings to a fellow Wright junkie. Re: the book, some exciting things are going on with it. I'll try to keep everyone posted so check back from time to time.
Grace and Peace,