The Too-Ridiculous-to-Respond Contest

Wanna win a 1-year subscription to a pretty cool magazine?
Then keep reading.
My allegiance to Jesus notwithstanding, I gotta be honest: sometimes I just don't like people.
I received the following comment in response to something I posted last week called Screwtape on Election Year Issues: God Bless Democracy?
Dear Mr. Shahinian:
I just ran across an article you wrote for Parables of a Prodigal World entitled Screwtape on Election Year Issues: God Bless Democracy, posted on September 13, 2008, http://www.parablesofaprodigalworld.com/2008/09/screwtape-on-election-year-issues-god.html, and I would like to raise an issue that is of concern to Selling Power magazine, which is the use of our trademark.
The word "Selling Power" is sometimes erroneously used as a synonym for sales effectiveness. For example, your article states: “You are to use the word purely as an incantation; if you like, purely for its selling power.” We do not condone such uses of our trademark. As a practical matter, when you describe sales effectiveness, there are a wide range of terms available such as: sales excellence, sales savvy, sales mastery, sales acumen, sales efficiency, and many more.
The reason for this letter is to educate writers like yourself that we want to protect our trademark, since we don't want to risk Selling Power being declared by the courts a generic word. Therefore we ask you not to use Selling Power as a phrase since it is our legal trademark. We would like to receive a written acknowledgment of this letter stating that you will in the future identify Selling Power as a trademark if you should write about our magazine, and not use Selling Power as a phrase. If we do not hear from you, we will need to take further action.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
All the best,
Gerhard Gschwandtner
Founder and Publisher Selling Power
1140 International Parkway
Fredericksburg VA 22406
Office: 540-752-7000 Cell: 540-273-2555
If you haven't caught on yet (and if you haven't, maybe this isn't the contest for you), the phrase in question is a quote from C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape LettersTM, published in 1942.
So here's the contest. Whoever writes the best response (judged by me) to Mr. GschwandtnerTM wins a one-year subscription to Selling PowerTM Magazine!
Just kidding. I actually want people to participate.
The winner receives a one-year subscription to Relevant Magazine, a pretty darn good periodical.
Here are the rules:
Responses must be posted in the Comments section of this post, and must be received by midnight, Monday the 29th. Doesn't have to be a long response, but it must be dripping with sarcasm. Please keep it civil, though. I'll switch to "Moderate Comments"TM this week so nobody can see the responses until the contest ends.
That's it.
Good Luck.
Grace and Peace,TM

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