Weekly Audio-Visual Round-Up
Audio/video seemed to dominate the blogosphere (or that slice of it on which I keep an eye) this week. Well, mostly video. The inclusion of "audio" here is just blatant self-promotion of the N.T. Wright / Bart Ehrman debate audio that's been bringing in so much traffic here at Parables that I decided to put it front-and-center (or front-and-right shifted, more accurately) for a while until the brouhaha dies down.
As for the unusual number of really interesting video posts this week, here's a sampling:
Blatant self-promotion once again. YHWH speaks through a classic Sesame Street clip.
Hard to pin down a one-liner for this one over at iMonk, called Awake O' Sleeper.
Michael's at it again, this time via the TommyMertonHead persona from the Tavern. I found this one from Mofast's site, though. A desperate McCain hires a few well-known film-makers in a last ditch effort.
BW3 gives us the biblical narrative for a hip-hop, sound bite culture. By the way, is it just me or is BW3 the man?
Speaking of, I think BW3 had this up a while ago, but I found this while skimming through the conversation at Wrightsaid. "Jesus is My Friend." Hilarious, in a weird and slightly disturbing way.
On a more serious/significant note, I really dug Bono's recent speech from the California Women's Conference. Thanks to ONE.org for this one.
And finally, I guess I'll end how I began, with blatant self-promotion. No audio or video here, but check out (or rate, or comment on) my latest article at theooze.
Grace and Peace,
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