Weekly Round-Up: From the Christobamasphere...
A lot of commentary on Obama, the election, and all that good stuff this week from the Christian blogosphere (or that little slice of it on which I keep an eye). Here were some of my favorites:
Brother Maynard lambastes the idea that Obama's election is a sign of the Left Behind-esque "end times."
Greg Boyd hits the nail on the head: all politics aside, it was a good day.
Steve Simpson's Open Letter to the Democratic Party was a good one over at Burnside.
Greg Arthur has some nice Election Reflections over at Emerging Nazarenes, as does Jonathan Brink over at Missio Dei.
Michael Spencer offers some characteristically poignant Congratulations and Prayers to/for Obama over at iMonk.
My favorite, though, was Eugene Cho's call for healing over at Beauty and Depravity. Good Stuff.
OK, no more election stuff. I promise.
Let's move on/forward.
Grace and Peace,
I really liked Eugene's too.