What You'll Find...

An Ongoing Discussion about Christ and Culture in a Post-Postmodern Context.
Resurrection-Shaped Stories from the Emmaus Road.

What They're Saying...

(about the book)
"A remarkable book. Raffi's is a dramatic and powerful story and I am privileged to have been part of it."
- N.T. Wright

(about the blog)
"Raffi gets it."
- Michael Spencer, a.k.a. The Internet Monk

Weekly Round-Up: Life Lessons from YouTube

Here are some life lessons I picked up while browsing YouTube this week.

1. When faced with a seemingly hopeless situation, think outside the box:

2. There's a bit of greatness in everyone, and it's awesome when it comes out:

3. Never let rituals stop you from having fun:

4. Music is everywhere. You just gotta listen:

5. Despite how much I dislike labeling people, some folks are just plain smart...

...and other, well, not so much:

Speaking of ol' W, stop by Monday for "The Bush Legacy: Can't Get Fooled Again."

Grace and Peace,

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Parables of a Prodigal World by Raffi Shahinian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.