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An Ongoing Discussion about Christ and Culture in a Post-Postmodern Context.
Resurrection-Shaped Stories from the Emmaus Road.

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"A remarkable book. Raffi's is a dramatic and powerful story and I am privileged to have been part of it."
- N.T. Wright

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"Raffi gets it."
- Michael Spencer, a.k.a. The Internet Monk

The Parable of the Cancer Cell

Imagine a healthy tissue containing thousands of cells. Each cell serves the greater good: a healthy whole body.

All cells are in communication, which allows for the smooth repair and replacement of tissues and other aspects of cell behavior. Communication takes place either indirectly, via exchange of messenger compounds such as hormones and growth factors, or directly, via cell-to-cell contact. Contact allows cells to respond to the “feel” of neighboring cells, via cell adhesion molecules, and to exchange messenger molecules through cell-to-cell portals called gap junctions. With the help of proper communication, appropriate cells proliferate when new cells are needed, and when enough new cells have been produced, cell division stops.

Cancer cells are the descendants of a normal cell in which something has gone wrong. In this normal cell, some kind of internal or external stress causes a mix-up in its genetic code (its DNA). This event is said to “initiate” the cell to a precancerous state. After its DNA has been damaged, the cell withdraws from close communication with its neighboring cells. Interrupted cell-to-cell communication is a common result of DNA damage or other forms of cellular damage. Separated from the regulatory controls of its community, it is now at the mercy of its environment.

Let us say that the environment around this cell contains a promoting agent, which is a compound that stimulates cell proliferation. In response to the promoting agent, this precancerous cell divides to produce daughter cells, and these daughter cells divide to produce more daughter cells, and so on. All are proliferating only in response to the promoting agent.

One day, the worst occurs. The genetic instabilities passed down through the generations finally result in one cell that becomes capable of self-stimulation, and on this day an autonomous cancer cell is born. This cell no longer requires the promoting agent to stimulate its proliferation. The role of the promoting agent is made obsolete by the cell’s ability to make proteins such as growth factors that stimulate proliferation.

This original cancer cell divides to produce daughter cells, these cells also divide, and soon there is a population of cancer cells. As they divide, they develop malignant characteristics, such as the ability to invade and metastasize. They also develop other characteristics that help assure survival, for example, the ability to evade the immune system, to mutate when faced with adverse conditions, and to induce the growth of new blood vessels.

Compared to normal cells, cancer cells have lost touch with their neighboring cells, their community purpose, and even largely with one another. They are a race of self-serving, easily adaptable cells, whose proliferation continues with the slightest provocation. They use more than their fair share of resources, live longer than their fair share of time, and produce more than their share of offspring.

In other words, a cancer cell is a normal cell that, for one reason or another, loses its genetic memory. Cut off from the wisdom of millions of years of developmental guidance, it stops cooperating with the rest of the body. It experiences itself as separate from the body and proceeds to consume the very organism that supports it. . . .

If left unchecked, it will kill the very body that sustains it.

If you have ears, then hear.

Grace and Peace,

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  1. Anonymous said...

    We wanna inform you that on Dec 2008 ago we have published our weblog (Kerygma Group Weblog) at http://kerygmagroup.blogspot.com; we recommend you to visit our weblog and take a participation in posting your articles by email to: kerygmagroup.weblog@blogger.com and/or writing your comments in every published articles and/or filling our guesbook!
    Thanks a lot and God bless all of you!

    With love:

    Rudy Haryanto
    (Kerygma Group Founder)

  2. Anonymous said...

    Interesting, but the parable would need few changes to make it a parable about any societal disease, such as terrorism, religious fundamentalism, or just about any radicalism.

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Parables of a Prodigal World by Raffi Shahinian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.