What You'll Find...

An Ongoing Discussion about Christ and Culture in a Post-Postmodern Context.
Resurrection-Shaped Stories from the Emmaus Road.

What They're Saying...

(about the book)
"A remarkable book. Raffi's is a dramatic and powerful story and I am privileged to have been part of it."
- N.T. Wright

(about the blog)
"Raffi gets it."
- Michael Spencer, a.k.a. The Internet Monk

One Pilgrim's Progress

I was feeding swine when the Light found me.

I could not resist it. Either that, or I had nothing left to loose.

Some combination of both, I suspect.

I sprinted toward it...at first. Sprinting makes one tired. I rested. And rested.

The light grew dimmer. I missed it's brightness. So I got up. Having learned my lesson, I paced myself.

Which is to say I decided when I would follow the light and when I would not.

Much less tiring than sprinting.

But the light continued to grow dimmer.

I let go of the sprint/trot battle, and tried to allow the light to lead me at its pace.

The light grew brighter. It was also warm now.

I basked in its warmth for a while. Got me a fruity drink with an little umbrella in it. Rubbed on some lotion. Good times.

Refreshed, I moved on. Some asked about my tan. Some asked about my tropical attitude.

I told them stories about the light and the warmth.

Some found it foolish. Others seemed jealous. Others desired it for themselves. Others preferred the dark and the cold.

I liked telling the stories. I did it more and more. And as I did, the more real the light and the warmth became.

Brighter. Warmer. It began to emanate through me, as I simply went about my journey.

It became a part of me. Eventually, I tried to possess it. To control it. To turn it off and on as I saw fit.

The light grew dimmer. Cooler.

So I learned to let it do it's own thing.

It's been getting brighter. Warmer.

That's where I am.

...To be continued...

Grace and Peace,

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Parables of a Prodigal World by Raffi Shahinian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.